Happy, Healthy Lifestyle
Kemmerer and Diamondville residents are, quite simply, happy. Access to healthy food, medical centers, and the great outdoors inspires both physical and mental health. The close proximity of everything a resident could need means less time commuting and more time enjoying the wonderful things Kemmerer and Diamondville, WY have to offer.

A Mile A Minute
Residents of Kemmerer and Diamondville enjoy rapid commutes. For most things, residents don't have to go more than 10 minutes.
1 Teacher Per 12.5 Students
Kemmerer and Diamondville students get more face time with the teacher.
of Kemmerer and Diamondville is within 10 minutes of a healthy, full service grocer.
have access to exercise opportunities, such as parks and gyms.

Longevity Zones are areas around the world where residents tend to live significantly longer. Longevity Zones were first identified as places where a higher than average portion of the population were living past a hundred years old, and, from that observation, scientists and demographers worked backwards to identify common threads between each area. Factors like social interaction, alcohol intake, diet, and physical activity all play a significant and common role in Longevity Zones.
Significant Factors In Becoming A Longivity Zone:

Non - Smoking
Lincoln County boasts one of the lowest smoking rates in the state with only 14% of adults being regular smokers. We all know the effects of smoking, but those who don't smoke are also more likely to make more health conscious decisions going forward, a key to longevity.
55% of residents in Kemmerer and Diamondville are married, 5% more than the national average. Family focus and engagement has been found to lead to a healthier upbringing and lifestyle and a key factor in becoming a Longevity Zone.
Physical Activity
Kemmerer and Diamondville residents are getting more and more exercise, and gym owners are setting up shop to accommodate this trend. Since 2015, area residents' access to exercise opportunities has grown 17.5%, one of the largest growth rates in the state.
Moderate Alcohol Intake
A moderate alcohol intake has been found to have significant health benefits, especially when consuming wine. Kemmerer and Diamondville fit comfortably in the moderate intake column with a average volume of drinkers, but low rates of overindulgence.
For more information on Longevity (Blue) zones, or to see if your lifestyle fits those of Longevity zone residents, visit
Kemmerer. And. Diamondville. Have. It. All.

Indoor & outdoor public pools

Public golf course

Fossil dig sites

Bowling alley

South Lincoln Medical Center - a critical access hospital
Ridley's Family Market - offering fresh, healthy food
High achieving schools include the elementary and junior-senior high